Sunday, April 29, 2012

Galatians Outline

  1. Opening (1:1–9)
    1. Greeting (1:1–5)
    2. Initial rebuke (1:6–9)
  2. Indirect Appeal: Paul’s Career with the Gospel (1:10–2:21)
    1. Paul’s defense of himself and the gospel (1:10–24)
    2. Paul’s gospel recognized by the Jerusalem apostles (2:1–10)
    3. Paul’s opposition to Peter, to preserve the truth of the gospel (2:11–21)
  3. Direct Appeals to the Galatians (3:1–5:12)
    1. The Galatians’ experience of conversion (3:1–5)
    2. The gospel in the OT (1): Abraham (3:6–9)
    3. The gospel in the OT (2): Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Habakkuk (3:10–14)
    4. An illustration from human law (3:15–18)
    5. Passing from slavery to sonship (3:19–4:7)
    6. Passing from idolatry to the true God (4:8–11)
    7. Appeal to the Galatians’ knowledge of Paul (4:12–20)
    8. The gospel in the OT (3): Abraham’s sons (4:21–31)
    9. Judgment for those who turn from the gospel (5:1–12)
  4. Life in the Spirit and Love (5:13–6:10)
    1. The law of love (5:13–15)
    2. The desires of the flesh vs. the fruit of the Spirit (5:16–26)
    3. A Christian life of concrete love (6:1–10)
  5. Final Warning (6:11–18)

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