Sunday, April 29, 2012

Galatians 1:1-10

Open in Prayer

Explore the Passage

Read the Passage.  Paraphrase the text together, verse by verse.  

1. What are some of the repeated words in this passage?

2. What is the tone of this passage? 

3. What are some things contrasted in this passage?

4. What are the connectives/transitions?

5. What do we learn about each of the following:

God the Father God the Son

The Gospel Mankind 

6. Now that we have unpacked the passage, go through and re-paraphrase the content of the passage.  Include words and meanings that we learned along the way.  

7. What do you think is the big idea or main point of this passage?  Write it out below.


On living for the approval of God: 

8. What does it look like to live for the approval of God but still respect and submit to authority?  What about when someone, especially a spiritual leader, confronts you?

9. Practically, what are some ways you can live for the approval of God and not man (maybe steps to take or ways to check)?

On turning from the Gospel:

10. As a Body:
a. What ways can Christianity in America add to the gospel?  

b. What are some ‘broken cisterns’ that are easy to turn to as a body of believers?

11. Personally:
a. How can you turn from the gospel in your own heart?

b. What are your ‘broken cisterns’?

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