Thursday, May 31, 2012

Old Self/New Self Chart

If you live as the Old Self
If you live as the New Self
Relationship with God
Living as
·         an Orphan
·         Guilty Under the Law
·         Punished by God
·         as a Child
·         Free from the law and guilt
·         Disciplined by God
Starting point of Growth
·         Strength, abilities, self-effort
·         Focuses on me and personal choices
·         Weaknesses or inabilities, brokeness
·         Focuses on relationship with God and others
Definition of Spiritual Maturity
·         Performance:  activities, achievements, victories
·         Results either sense of failure or self-righteousness
·         Love for God and others
·         Results in connection and intimacy
Goal of growth
·         To appease God and feel good about me
·         To trust God
·         Independence- not needing God or others
·         Dependence:  knowing it can’t be done without God and others
Approach to Daily Living
·         Hide sin and difficulty “no one knows I struggle”
·         Expect victory now, deal with reality later
·         Deal with external behaviors and actions
·         Sin management
·         Expose sin and difficulty “no one thinks I’ve arrived”
·         Focus on reality now; long for victory later
·         Deals with the internal life- motivations
·         Authentic living- appropriate vulnerability
·         Leads to shame
·         Anger/frustration over getting caught
·         Alienation
·         Causes guilt
·         Leads to godly sorrow
·         Greater intimacy and transparency
·         Leads to a righteous lifestyle
Confession and repentance
·         Handled privately to keep up appearances
·         For myself
·         Legal process:  sin+confession=restored status
·         Done with appropriate people
·         Focuses on others
·         Relational process:  sin+confession=restored fellowship
Character qualities
·         Character qualities are the goal
·         Self-control is the power for growth and the start of the process
·         Character qualities are the product, the result from walking in dependency
·         Self-control is the product, the fruit of the growth process

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