Sunday, May 6, 2012

Galatians 2:11-21

Review Galatians 2:1-10
1.     What was the conclusion that all of the apostles came to about Gentiles and the gospel?  Who all was listed as in agreement?

2.      How did Paul choose to handle and discuss the decisive and sensitive issue of Jews and the gospel?

Explore the Passage
Read the Passage.  

The Confrontation at Antioch: 11-14
3.      Read Mark 14:66-72.  Why do you think Peter denied Jesus here?

4.      Read Acts 10:9-16, 34-48.  What does Peter learn about the Gentiles and the gospel? (see vs. 15, 24, 47 specifically)

5.      Back to Galatians 2:11-14.  What does Peter do in this situation? (12-13)

Why does he do it?  (12)

What is the result? (13)

6.      What does Paul do in response to Peter and the other Jews’ actions?

7.       The discussion in Jerusalem had started as private.  Why do you think that Paul doesn’t seek a private audience here?

The First Description of Justification: 15-21
8.       What is Paul’s tone in this passage?

9.      There are many cause/effect relationships in these verses.  Let’s take a look at them.
Vs. 16:  If we believe in Jesus, then:

Vs. 16:  By works of the law:

Vs. 17:  If we say we are in Christ and still need works to be justified, then we are saying:

Vs. 18:  If Paul reinstates the law after saying we don’t need it, then he is:

Vs. 19:  If we die to the law, we:

10.   One common objection to salvation by grace alone is that it encourages people to sin because there are no consequences.  How do Paul’s statements in 19-20 address this faulty objection?

11.   What is the big point of this passage?

Take the Fear of Rejection test.  

12.   Read Romans 5:8-11.
a.       Who initiated restoring your relationship with God?

b.       How did God reconcile you to Himself?

c.       What is your response to God?

13.  What is wrong with the statement, “Thank you, Lord, for accepting me even though I am so unacceptable”?

a.        Are you currently acceptable?

b.       To what degree are you acceptable?

c.       To whom are you acceptable?

d.      Why are you acceptable?

14.  If you are completely and fully acceptable to the perfect Creator of the universe, why do you fear the rejection of others?

15.   Think of a recent situation in which you felt rejected or disapproval (or in which you bended just to avoid these things).
a.       Situation:

b.       Your response:

c.       How believing the truth would have changed your response:

Pray for God to open your eyes to anytime you experience fear of rejection, to remind you of the truth, and to give you the courage to walk in it. 

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